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The Need In The Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast is a very poor country ravaged by Civil War and government upheaval. Since the year 2000, Ivory Coast has seen many militant uprisings, terrorist strikes, and coup d’etat of the government, none perhaps worse than the battle for the government in 2011. 5,000 people were killed but over half a million people were displaced from their homes, and the national economy was left in tatters.
The average household income for Ivory Coast is $1,632.68 USD according to the World Bank. In comparison, the US average household income is $57,000 USD.
Get Involved
With little earning power, many Ivory Coast families must choose between food and shelter and their medical care. However, it is not as simple as visiting a clinic.
According to the World Health Organization, there are about 9 physicians to 100,000 people in Ivory Coast. Even if you have money, you may never be seen due to the lack of medical providers available.
Despite the work that we have done in Ivory Coast, we only have begun to scratch the surface. The need is great but we feel we are and can continue to make a difference in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast Africa..
To the people that attend our clinic, we have become an important element in their lives sometimes literally saving lives and families.
My husband and I started this mission, just stepping out on faith. But now, we need help. We need more medical providers, more donors, and always more volunteer workers motivated and willing to pack medicine and supplies for the trip, to get the word out about what we are doing, and to help find those who may give to our cause and to pray for us and our patients.
We are partnering with CFC this year and have been accepted as a donor site with them this year. Their theme is “Show some Love” and ours is “Save some lives”. I think those ideas go together beautifully!
Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can donate: